Monster Invitation Instructions
Paper, 1 sheet, shirt = 4 invitations
1 sheet, pants=6 invitations
1 sheet, head and hands=6 invitation
Index paper-Black base, 1 sheet=2 invitations
In a space of 2 inches wide and 1.5 inches deep. Print your information for your party in a word program.
If you do not want to use a computer, you can skip this step and write on the shirts after they are copied. Print off 4 copies and paste them on the shirt pattern. If you use white paper on the white shirt pattern it will not show the lines of the paper when copied. Make a copies on your, color paper for shirts. You will make as many sheets as needed for the number of invitations you will be making divided by four.
Now make copies of the heads and hands pattern using your skin color paper. You will need to make one pair for each invitation. I used a silver pen to whiten the teeth and tape.
Now make copies of pants pattern using your pants color. Again, you will make one for each invitation. I used a black sharpie to darken the shoes and hair.
Cut the black index board in half lengthwise. Paste on your pants and shoes in the center bottom of the ½ index sheet, leaving 1/16 from the edge. Next glue on the shirt, put it on top of the pants in the center of the black index sheet. Now glue on the head. Click here for patterns.